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According to Census data for 2010 and 2000 IBGE SIDRA and thus presents population data from the 17 municipalities in the target area of the Jalapão Region Ecological Corridor Project, highlighted the most significant values in green and the least significant yellow:
According to AC, it appears that the three municipalities with higher population account for nearly 50% of the total population of the target area, while the 10 municipalities with the lowest population account for about one quarter of the total population. Thus, there is a marked concentration of population in Formosa do Rio Preto (BA), Alto Parnaíba (MA) and Corrente (PI), all outside the core to the proposition of the ecological corridor in the region of Jalapão. Interestingly, there was also the first decade of this century population growth throughout the region, in the order of 11,53%, and especially significant in Formosa do Rio Preto (BA), Rio da Conceição (TO) and Corrente (PI), where the first two directly responsible for more than 65% of local population increase. There is the loss of residents in four counties (Lizarda, Santa Tereza do Tocantins and Almas in Tocantins, Gilbués in Piauí) and stabilizing population in two (Alto Parnaíba in Bahia and São Félix do Tocantins, Tocantins), with addition and decrease, respectively, less than 1% in its population between 2000 and 2010. Across the region dominated by the urban population and males in almost all localities considered only where the São Gonçalo da Gurguéia (PI) and Rio Sono (TO) have more people in rural than in urban ones. Important to inform that the total national and analyzed in the states there is a predominance off male presence in all its population (and so almost the reverse of that checks in the target area), stating that throughout the target area for dispersion (loss) of the population of women to other counties or states.