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The Ecological Corridor Project of Jalapão Region is an initiative of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) in technical cooperation with JICA - Japanese Government agency responsible for implementation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) through the provision of experts and consultants in strategic areas of its operations. It is the ODAsupport the socio-economic growth and stability of developing countries.
In addition to this partner, ICMBio has the support of the secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tocantins (Semades), Secretaria de Planejamento e Modernização da Gestão Pública do Estado do Tocantins (Seplan), the Department of the Environment (SEMA) and the Instituto Natureza doTocantins (Naturatins) , among others.
Know who's who in the project and its representations both Brazil and Japan, click here.