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The new Director for Creation and Management of Protected Areas of the Chico Mendes Institute (ICMBio), Pedro da Cunha Menezes, highlighted the importance of the Jalapão Ecological Corridor Project for ICMBio and for the consolidation of the instrument "ecological corridor" in Brazil, in the opening of the meeting in Brasilia. Menezes also acknowledged the work and thanked the participation of the Agency Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the project, as well as its collaboration with biodiversity conservation in Brazil.
Also attended the 4th Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting of the Jalapao Ecological Corridor Project a representative of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE), from the Directorate of Protected Area (DAP/MMA), the coordinator of the technical cooperation of Japan in Brazil, the representative of the Embassy Brazil and Japan's JICA team - Brazil.
Alan Crema, manager of the Division of Ecological Corridors and Mosaics (ICMBio) presented the progress of the project in 2011 and the working plan for 2012, prepared by the Joint Coordination Committee of the Project, which involves ICMBio and the OEMAs of Bahia and Tocantins.
The head of the JICA’s experts, Koji Asano, listed some recommendations for the Midterm Review of the Project (2011) and announced the working schedule of the agency experts for 2012.
Author: James Possapp.