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Issues such as the location of the population (whether urban or rural) is not irrelevant to the municipalities studied, since what we see in them is not monitoring the state averages or the national average. In Brazil, the total labor force, 83.12% is urban, while in Tocantins state is closest to this value, with 78.53% of the urban labor force. In the cities it highlights the low levels of PEA in urban Rio Sono (TO), São Gonçalo do Gurguéia and Santa Filomena (PI), with respective 27,09%, 27,94% and 38,92%. On gender issues, there is not much to consider, since the states and municipalities follow closely what is found in Brazil as a whole (60,09% PEA is male), but with a slight predilection for the hand-labor male over female, on average, 5,83% more. It emphasizes a gender justice in São Félix doTocantins (TO), in order of 49,52% and male labor force.
Regarding the main job activities, the research shows that the sector that employs in Brazil are engaged in agriculture, livestock, silviculture and forest exploitation (agrosilvopastoris activities), which employs 17,94% of the national PEA, followed very closely by trade, with 16,61%. In the states studied agrosilvopastoris activities have a greater presence in employment activities, while the trade is fairly well approximates the national percentage.
Tocantins is a state that is closest to the national situation with regard to activity agrosilvopastoril, and then with an increase of over 10 percentage points. In turn, the state of Maranhão is the furthest with their 42,04% of the PEA involved with this activity. In some municipalities agrosilvopastoris activities account for more than 50% of jobs, such as the municipalities tocantinenses of Rio Sono (72,41% of total employment in these activities) and Lizarda (57,02%) and piauienses of São Gonçalo do Gurguéia (68%), Santa Filomena (58,67%) and Barreiras do Piauí (57,76%). About the trade sector, none of the municipalities is above the national data (16,61% of the PEA) and 12 of the 17 municipalities in the target area are involved with PEA Trade with percentages below half the national rate, with emphasis on the Lagoa do Tocantins , Rio Sono and São Félix do Tocantins (TO), with respective 2,01%, 2,56% and 3,16% of its labor force in trade.