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The analysis in socio-economic data was obtained from data from the IBGE Data Recovery (SIDRA), census 2010 and 2000 the IBGE, the more data the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), an approach "Cluster Analysis" (CA).
The purpose of a Cluster Analysis is to seek a classification according to the natural sample of the data presented, forming clusters by similarity. The concept of similarity is fundamental to the AC. The similarity between the data is a measure of correspondence or affinity between them to be grouped. The numerical data of the target area (total) are sums of individual results and the percentage values are mean values, as well as rates, individual values. Textual information was generated from the spatial analysis of data and compilation of relevant texts, which are duly cited.
There is evidence of human occupation in the region of the former Jalapão is being performed by prehistoric populations. For two centuries the region was occupied by several indigenous groups, the most recent Indian Xerente, or at least would Jalapão your area of wandering. The population living near the Jalapão also descends of Bandeiras, predominantly carried out by the miners, pioneers and cowboys.
Thus, the human presence in Jalapão can be divided into three distinct periods: (i) occupations by prehistoric groups and, later, indigenous, (ii) the occupations 'fronts' of farmers and immigrants seeking opportunities in trade activities, transportation, hunting and gathering. Among them include the black families who were the Mateiros County - where is located the Traditional Community Mumbuca, and (iii) most recent occupations composed of various social actors, such as tourists, businessmen and environmentalists, attracted by the installation of the infrastructure of the capital state (Palmas) and other municipalities.
Historical Summary of counties in the target area:
The data and information of historical synthesis of the municipalities that make up the target area were acquired in the system CIDADES@ (@CIDADES, 2011) of the IBGE, and SIDRA of the IBGE. The SIDRA data were compiled in order to present values common to all municipalities and of CIDADES@ were partially suitable to the objectives of this work.
In 1628, D. João de Lencastre, 32 th Governor General of Brazil had populate the territory of the Rio Preto, the name given to the place where now stands the city of Formosa do Rio Preto characteristic of the waters of the Rio Preto. This river rises near the head of the Eastern Plain of Bahia, as the name of Rio Cabeceira Nova, later receiving the name of Rio Preto, joining its tributaries will pour its waters into the Rio Grande near the Buqueirão. Housing in this region occurred with the coming of the royal family to Brazil, where he was already in the region JoãoViana Amado, Portuguese nobleman. Formosa do Rio Preto in the 1920 census figure as the municipality of Santa Rita do Rio Preto, district of Formosa. The official area of the city of Formosa do Rio Preto is currently at 16.186km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 22.528 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 33.95% over the census of 2000.
Situated on the left of the Parnaíba River, formerly inhabited by Indians "Tapuias", this city had in the person of Francisco Luis de Freitas its first settler, when he in search of an area suitable for agriculture were installed, giving it the name Farm Barcelona. Later, Cândido Lustosa, leaving the Piauí, settling near the Farm Barcelona,come to constitute also a pioneer in clearing the area, participating in building the first church and other activities for the benefit of the place. Later, they changed the name of the place to Vila de Nossa Senhora da Vitória. The May 19, 1866, Francisco Luis de Freitas and Micaela Abreu his wife donated the land for his farm Barcelona to the church site. Thereafter, the village was being developed, until it created the municipality of Alto Parnaíba. The official area of the municipality of Alto Parnaíba is currently at 11.130km² and 2010 census, listed with 10.766 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 0.94% compared to the census of 2000.
Marcolino Barreira and his family in 1809, reached the place where today is found stuck to the town of Barreiras do Piauí. Coming from Oeiras, established a cattle ranch near the Riacho dos Meios. The cattle trade has developed in the village, was named "Fazenda Meios" and attracted other families who settled there. In 1888 he built the Chapel of São Francisco de Assis and celebrated the first Mass in the same year by priest Guilherme. The ceremony marked the beginning of the nucleus, which, became the town Meios. Bias Barreiras de Macedo, a native of Pueblo and the Mayor of Gilbués, promoted his elevation to the municipal headquarters in 1962. Was named Barreiras do Piauí, in honor of the family resident in the first place. The installation of the city occurred in the same year. The official area of the municipality of Barreiras do Piauí is currently 2.029km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 3.234 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 6.42% compared to the census of 2000.
The Municipality of Corrente was pioneered its founding Mr. Caetano Carvalho da Cunha, who purchased through an application, the Fazenda Corrente de Cima, where he developed several activities that attracted large numbers of aggregates. This was the start of the village. Under Provincial Law No. 500 of 1860, was created in the settlement of Corrente the parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição. With its development and, in consequence of the Provincial Law No.782 of 1872, the town was elevated to the village. The municipality began to consolidate with the founding of the Baptist Church of Corrente and the creation of primary schools. The official area of the municipality of Corrente is currently 3.049km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 25.407 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 24.17% over the census of 2000.
The history of Gilbués to controversy as to its foundation. For some, its founder was Mr. Vieira Zeferino, descendant of important families of Ceará, which, by the year 1850, stood a cattle ranch in the place where now stands the city of Gilbués, due to field green and pleasant, suitable for livestock development. Later, with the development of the farm and increasing the local population, gave Mr. Vieira Zeferino half league of land to build a chapel, around which grew the town that gave rise to the present city of Gilbués. Others believe that the village grew from Piauí Mr. Nogueira Antonio Paranaguá that fights back in the fields of Paraguay, donated half league of land to build a chapel in the future, the village was to be raised. With the construction of the chapel and the influx of some families to that location, it has developed the settlement of the locality to which it gave at first the name of Santo Antônio de Gilbués. For purposes of State Decree No. 68 of 1891, the town of Santo Antônio de Gilbués was elevated to town with the same name, opened the following year. The official area of the municipality is currently Gilbués 3.494km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 10.402 inhabitants, with a population decrease in the order of 3.53% compared to the census of 2000.
The Cheréns indians were the first to make use of the land that is now the municipality of Santa Filomena. Who was expelled from there colonel Lustosa José da Cunha, who around 1858 came there with wife, relatives and slaves. Born with the name of Santa Filomena, was elevated to the village with the name of Santa Filomena, dismembered Parnaguá. In the administrative division for the year 1911, the city is made district headquarters. The official area of the municipality of Santa Filomena is currently 5.284km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 6.096 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 3.90% compared to the census of 2000.
The municipality of São Gonçalo de Gurguéia was separated from the municipalities of Piauí and Barreiras de Gilbués, based in the village of the same name, according to State Law No 4810 of December 1995. The official area of São Gonçalo da Gurguéia of 1.384km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 2.825 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 14.42% over the census of 2000.
The city of Almas is located in southeast of the state of Tocantins, one of the oldest municipalities in the state. Date of September 29, 1734, the arrival at the place of the first residents, having to face the Portuguese Manoel Rodrigues de Araujo, who toured the area in search of gold. Later came another Portuguese, Bernardo Homem who settled in the region around 1920, dedicated to the exploration of gold and widely employing slave labor. After the febrile phase of gold, the town went into decline again for a long time. Bernardo Homem is considered the founder of the city. The demographic and economic recovery only occurred decades later, with the introduction and raising cattle on some farms. The official area of the city of Almas currently 4.022km² and in the2010 census, listed with 7.586 inhabitants, with a population decrease in the order of 4.29% compared to the census of 2000.
The municipality was created in October 5th, 1989 and installed on January 1, 1993. It was elevated to the status of municipality and district with the name of the Lagoa do Tocantins, by state law No. 251 of 1991, amended its limits by state law No. 498 of 1992, separated from the municipality of Santa Teresa do Tocantins. The official area of the municipality of Lagoa do Tocantins currently 912km² and the 2010 census, listed with 3.525 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 7.50% compared to the census of 2000.
The municipality of Lizarda stemmed from a farm called Boa Sorte. In 1842, came from the State of Piauí a family headed by Jose Benedito da Silva, who left their homeland in search of the best places to crops and livestock. He traveled much of the state of Maranhão, and Goiás territory in moving (now Tocantins) liked the area that later was to be the site of the present town of Lizarda. Arriving there, he gave the name to the new farm of Boa Sorte. Later, given the development of its activities to other family arrived there, both from other states, including the surrounding places. The official area of the city of Lizarda currently 5.725km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 3.725 inhabitants, with a population decrease in the order of 7.38% compared to the census of 2000.
The city's name is due to the large number of “Mateiros” deer found in the region. The municipality is a reference in the production of the golden grass (Capim Dourado) handicrafts, whose nucleus is located in the community Mumbuca, composed of descendants of maroons. Born as the District of Ponte Alta do Norte, created with the name of Mateiros, Municipal Law No. 53 of 1963. In 1963 territorial division of the district Mateiros figure in the city of Ponte Alta do Tocantins. Elevated to the status of municipality and district with the name of Mateiros by State Law No. 251 of 1991 has had its boundaries changed by the State Law No. 498 of 1992, which also spun off Mateiros of the municipality of Ponte Alta do Tocantins. The official area of the city of Mateiros currently 9.593km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 2.223 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 19.13% over the census of 2000.
The place where today is located the city of Novo Acordo was a farm, cattle, belonging to Dona Antônia Macedo Pires, occupying lands of the State of Goiás. In 1947 there came José de Sousa Dourado and brothers, carrying large stock of goods, where they settled in the region because not only be exploited by miners of precious stones, but also inhabited mostly by cattle farmers in the area and there is no commercial firm that would meet their most pressing needs. Therefore, the fixation of the local commercial firm, led the confluence of the population that has little by little the focus around the building of the said firm of Dourados. Hence the city originated with the creation of a private school as a teacher with Mr. Manuel Silvério Dourado, father of the firm's owners. With this initiative is that many inhabitants of the region moved to the village in order to educate their children. At that time the town belonged to the municipality of Porto Nacional, then jammed in the district of Ponte Alta. With the development of the villages he was elevated to the rank of District 1953, broke away from the Ponte Alta District. In 1958, pursuant to State Law No. 2130, was elevated to city, giving its installation on 1 January 1959. The official area of the city of Novo Acordo is currently 2.669km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 3.762 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 6.03% compared to the census of 2000.
The river Ponte Alta in the late nineteenth century, was already its first residents. Canoeists, hunters and fishermen started the social life in this locality. Over time the village was formed named the Ponte Alta do Norte, a name that originated because of a fallen tree on the river bank,he served as a bridge, giving way to pedestrians from one shore to another. The March of the settlement is the construction of a chapel to Nossa Senhora, where the first Mass was celebrated in 1913. In 1944 the town received another denomination Iabetê going to be called. In 1949 he built the first school. A project of emancipation was introduced in 1958, which led the municipality of Ponte Alta do Norte that with the creation of the State of Tocantins receives the name of Ponte Alta do Tocantins. The official area of the municipality of Ponte Alta do Tocantins is currently 6.491km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 7.180 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 6.67% compared to the census of 2000.
The place where now stands the city of Rio da Conceição was known as the Rio das Éguas and its first inhabitants were Indians Xerentes. By 1915, Antonio Pedro de Carvalho came from Formosa do Rio Preto, State of Bahia, with his wife Joana. Mr. Antonio Pedro was cowboy, cattle bought in the wilderness and brought general merchandise, which traded for cattle. Their children were getting married and there, thus increasing the population of the place. Another pioneer, Mr. Otilio Alves de Carvalho first came to install the home business and soon Mr. Florin Macedo also established commercially, contributing to the consolidation of a town to which he named Rio da Conceição, belonging to the municipality Natividade. When Almas became a municipality, that in1958, Rio da Conceição was incorporated into its territory. After having belonged to two municipalities, the population of Rio da Conceição met and made a petition asking the governor of Goiás for Dianópolis incorporated the village of Rio da Conceição. This petition was granted, and Rio da Conceição was in charge of Dianópolis. In 1991, in accordance with Law No. 251, was created the municipality of Rio da Conception, installed two years later. The official area of Rio da Conceição is currently 771km² and the 2010 census, listed with 1.714 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 32.25% over the census of 2000.
The city of Rio Sono is located in eastern Tocantins in mesoregion by integrating the 7thAdministrative Region of the State, in northeastern. Their lands are composed of savannah, mountains, forests productive. The city has the name of Rio Sono because situating over the homonymous river, which traverses the city and belongs to the Tocantins basin. His business education was given from the State Law No. 9158 of 1982 that created the municipality of Rio Sono, separated from the Municipality of Lizarda. The official area of Rio Sono is currently 6.355km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 6.254 inhabitants, with a population growth of around 8.95% compared to the census of 2000.
In 1940 the families arrive in the area of Mr. Antônio Belarmino de Oliveira, Mr. Belo Belarmino de Oliveira, Mr. Manoel Belarmino de Oliveira, Mr. Francisco Fonseca, known as "Chico Pequeno", Mr. Sulino Alves, Mr. Antônio Cabrinha, Mr. Manoel "Bastiana" José Chagas Guimarães, "Tenente" and João Félix Rodrigues, known as João Barata. These families came from Maranhão in search of land to work. Arriving at the site then occupied the vacant land, settled on the banks of the river Traíras left and founded a village named Coco Escuro. These pioneers founded a school began to work in agriculture. In 1942, most residents switch to the right bank of the stream. The village is growing and in 1991 the Village Santa Terezinha is the status of a district. Law No. 685 of 1993 raises the district to a municipality. It was elevated to the status of municipality and district with the name of Santa Tereza do Tocantins in 1994, separated from the municipality of Nazaré. The official area of the municipality of Santa Tereza do Tocantins is currently 540km² and the 2010 census, listed with 2.523 inhabitants, with a population decrease in the order of 6.52% compared to the census of 2000.
Geographically the municipality of São Félix do Tocantins, in the most central of Jalapão, bordered to the north with the municipality of Lizarda, Mateiros in the south, west and east with Novo Acordo with the State of Maranhão. The population of the city began with immigrants coming mainly from northeastern Piauí, Maranhão and Bahia, emerging as the camp in 1736. Was emancipated by State Law No. 251 of 1991. The city is clearly divided into two parts by the Ribeirão São Félix. Stands as the leisure area of Praia do Alecrim and Praia Rica that are on the river Soninho (Sono), theWaterfall Jalapinha; Praia do Arapuá; Encontro do Rio Sono with the Rio Novo; Fervedouro do Alecrim; well warm water and bubbling springs that emerge due to the sand, located near the municipal headquarters, known as Fervedouro. Handicrafts highlight the golden grass (Campim Dourado), raw material removal on the sidewalks of the municipality. The official area of São Félix do Tocantins is currently 1.907km² and in the 2010 census, listed with 1.437 inhabitants, with a population decrease in the order of 0.62% compared to the census of 2000.