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The technicians from Bahia State Secretary for the Environment and Bahia Institute that attended to the Joint Coordination Meeting of the Ecological Corridor Project Jalapão contributed with the technical discussions bringing valuable information about the status of the area located in western Bahia. “The state of Bahia has experience in the matter and reaffirms its intention to participate actively in the project. Our technical team is small but very qualified” sustained Leonardo Euler. A term of reciprocity is being prepared to formalize the entrance of the Bahia state in the project.
The main objective of the reunion, held on 8 and 9 in Palmas, was to foster the integrated management of protected areas of Jalapão by updating the Strategic Plan for Integrated Management of Protected Areas and the collection of information for the Integrated Management Operational Guidelines.
After the adjustment of the project’s mission and vision final text with the group, Áquilas and Cris, from ESEC/ICMBio, presented the experience of the technical visit to the Mosaico Central Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro. Koji Asano, head of the JICA’s experts, showed examples of different scales of ecological corridors in the world. Casiana Moreira, JICA’s consultant, presented the results of the project Environmental Awareness Agents – ASAs (in Portuguese) Jalapão, as well as the environmental education activities planned for 2012.
UCs managers decide to go through with the process for the Mosaic Jalapão
The highlight of the meeting was the unanimous decision by the managers of protected areas of integral protection, with the exception of the Jalapão State Park that is still without a manager, to claim the recognition of the integrated management of protected areas of Jalapao.
A mosaic of protected areas is a tool that focuses on integrated management of protected areas, which contributes directly to land use planning and the enhancement of regional identity. "The UCs can not be understood as 'islands of biodiversity', the context in which the UC is inserted is critical to the viability of the species in the long term," said Allan Crema, Project Coordinator at ICMBio.
“This moment is very important for the project because we are going ahead with the official process for the establishment of the Mosaic Protected Areas and, at the same time, we decided to actually install the ecological corridor’ celebrated Asano.
Autor: James Possapp.