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Cerrado Rupestre (Rocky Cerrado) is a subtype of arboreal-shrubby vegetation, which occurs on lithic rupestrian environments or rocky (outcrop areas). It comprises a variable arboreal cover from 5% to 20%, average height between 2 to 4 meters with an herbaceous-shrubby stratus also highlighted. It may occur on continuous sections, including other vegetation types. It comprises a similar structure to Cerrado Ralo and a easy differentiable subtract, once it holds a little soil between the outcrop. Its lithic soils are originated from the decomposition of arenite and quartzite , poor on nutrients, acids, presenting also low content organic matter. On Cerrado Rupestre the arboreal individuals are concentrated on rock slits, and the density is variable and it depends on the soil volume. There are cases that trees may dominate the landscape, while others the herbaceous-shrubby flora predominates; but even with the presence of tress (RIBEIRO & WALTER, 1998).
Figure 10 - Cerrado Rupestre, Nascentes do Rio Parnaíba National Park, MA.