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The tropical savannas are distributed throughout South America, Africa and Asia. From those savannas, Brazilian Cerrado is the largest and richest savanna in the world, and possibly the most threatened. Cerrado is the second largest biome in the country, second only to the Amazon, occupying around to 25% of the country. On Cerrado biome, the data on the groundcover situation points out a loss of native vegetation between 38.9% (MMA / SBF, [s.d.]), and 54.9% by 2002 (MACHADO et al., 2004). According to ISA (2008), the differences between these data is related to the difficulty of mapping different ecosystems on Cerrado, especially in differentiating between natural and planted pastures. The dynamics of deforestation on Cerrado starts by the association between farmer and coal dealer, the second one is paid with the vegetation used for the generation of charcoal, and the first one is benefited by the vegetation removal, which reduces their costs of incorporation of land for cultivation.